This paper studies the flexible double shop scheduling problem (FDSSP) that considers simultaneously job shop and assembly shop. It brings about the problem of scheduling association of the related tasks. To this end, a reinforcement learning algorithm w
Purchases from minority interest result in goodwill, beingthedifferencebetween any consideration paid and the relevant share acquired[...] 向少數股東權益購買 則產生商譽,即任何已付代價與相應應佔附屬公司資產淨值的賬面值之間的差額。
If the R/G editing does regulate and expand the GluA1 function by separating the difference between the GluA1 flip and flop variants, it will be the R/G editing site on GluA2R that exerts that regulatory function. This is because normally, postnatal GluA2 exists virtually only in the Q/...
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βm, k,nt,mh,eεp, rγoagnrdesδsiroenprreasteenftroamtralnatsemntistsoioinnfceocetfifoicuise,nrte,caonveelreymreantet of the contact and mortality matrix between age rate by COVID-19 sintufedcytidounrsa, trieosnpeocftiCveOlyV. σIDn d-1en9oetpeisdtehme iscusscceopmtipbailrietyd ...
First, based on the broadband that is typical of blast waves, the peak frequency of the P-wave was obtained in the time–frequency domain, taking advantage of the difference in the propagation speed of the P-wave, S-wave, and the surface wave. Second, the phase difference between two ...
It is a traditional Andean crop that grows at altitudes between 3500 and 4500 m above sea level, in the central region of Peru [1]. Maca is also widely known as "Peruvian Ginseng," and is prized for its nutrient component specificity, which gives it a long history of cultivation and ...
NPort 設備會將串列埠上的事件記錄在系統 RAM 中的日誌檔。您可下載這些日誌檔並取得串列埠事件的資訊。 資料類型 來自串列埠的原始資料 文字(*.txt)檔案 可下載 否 是 * NPort W2250A 系列有 2 個串列埠共用一個 20 MB 的埠緩衝區,因此當網路連線中斷時,每個埠最...
The linear ranges of DC transfer characteristics of the real MLT section are limited up to ±500 mV for inputs X and Y, and up to ±350 µA for the auxiliary terminal z. The examples of measured DC transfer characteristics between input voltage (VY) and output current (IZ), are ...
In the process of oil exploitation, the water level of an oil well can be predicted and the position of reservoir can be estimated by measuring the water content of crude oil, with reference for the automatic production of high efficiency in the oil fiel