AunitofconcentrationinPPMsolution;afractionofamillion Thedifferencebetweenhardwaterandsoftwateristhatwater containsmorecalciumandmagnesium,andwateriswaterthat containslessornocalciumormagnesium! Hardnessofwater Thehardnessofwaterreferstotheconcentrationofcalcium ...
water quality. Filtration companies typically pitch high TDS as a cause for alarm, buta high TDS reading (>500 PPM) does not indicate the presence of any specific contaminants, harmful or not. It may be that harmful contaminants are present, but you cannot know this from a TDS meter a... OPEN Received: 25 April 2017 Accepted: 20 September 2017 Published: xx xx xxxx R/G editing in GluA2Rflop modulates the functional difference between GluA1 flip and flop variants in GluA1/2R heteromeric channels Wei Wen, Chi-Yen Lin & Li Niu In α-amino-3...
The function relation has been detected between MC value for a mapped eigenvector and its corresponding eigenvalue as follows: MCj = n 1TC1 λj (3) Based upon these properties, the eigenvectors can be interpreted as follows: The first eigenvector E1 is the set of real numbers that has ...