The difference between an emergency medical technician (EMT) and paramedic is not only the amount of training received, but also the scope of what he or she is allowed to do once on site at an emergency. An EMT typically receives 100 to 150 hours of training, whereas a paramedic can ...
There are four different levels of first responders. Starting with the most basic to the most advanced, they are Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT), and Paramedic. Choosing which level of certification to receive depend...
In EMS, there are various grades such as EMT Basic, EMT Intermediate, and EMT Paramedic. EMT professionals are Emergency Medical Technicians with basic program and the Paramedics are the highest rank holders in the field of EMS with intensive program. Both EMT and paramedics go through the certi...