Null in C is Nothing or Void which can be compared with normal operators but inoracle Null can't be compared with normal operators like '=' or greater than or be careful in using this feature of oracle because it can lead to several problems as like if u compared a pass...
IO.IOException' occurred in mscorlib.dll. Additional information: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Angle between two lines Anti debugging code in C# any equivalent in c# for bytearray outputstream/inputstream and data outputstream/inputstream? App ...
Oracle WebLogic Server - Version and later: Difference Between "SQL ISVALID" And "SQL SELECT 1 FROM DUAL" When Datasource Is Testing DB Connection
What is the difference between IS and AS in Oracle PL/SQL..? Interview Candidate Feb 24th, 2015 4 8038 Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers Deval Parikh Mar 17th, 2015 No difference in PL/SQL. In SQL, can provide alias using "AS". ...
12 digit unique random number generation in c# / 2 digits month 2 dimensional ArrayList in VB.NET? 2 minutes before session timeout, warn the user and extend it 2D array - How to check if whole row or column contain same value 302 is sent back to browser when response.redirect...
The formula for date difference subtracts one date from another to give you the number of days between the dates. See Also Using Formulas or Conditions in Queries Field Value Comparison Date Plus or Minus Compare Date Fields Dynamic Date Value Between Dates Last Published Saturday, July 13, ...
what is the difference between ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOG FILE & ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG CURRENT Hi, Could you explain what difference between ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOG FILE & ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG CURRENT?. Then when will use these?
and time in any groovy expression, use: adf.currentDBDate adf.currentDBDateTime //Returns: the current date, with no time println(today()) //Returns the current date and time println(now()) //1. Difference between two dates def today = new Date() def yesterday = today - 1 assert 1...
At this point in time, you may wonder, what is the real difference between an int and Integer? isn't both the same? We can pass Integer where int is expected and vice-versa then why on the earth we have both int and Integer? This is a modal window. No compatible source was found...
What is the difference between an "empty" value and a "null" value? When I select those fields that are "empty" versus "null", I get two different result sets. Answer:An empty string is treated as a null value in Oracle. Let's demonstrate. ...