NULL. Use always "if field is NULL ..." for NULL checking and for safety maybe something like "select sum( IsNull(field,0) ) from ...". Check the function ISNULL() in the manual. bye, Helmut figital #3 Mar 1 '06, 04:05 PM Re: Difference Between NULL and Blank in SQL I...
there are some nice article regarding NULL and its impact for mistakes ... to happen ... - - -
My question is, is there any difference between a NULL and a Blank field in MS SQL or are they the same? I have faced some problems while retrieving the records from the database.How to overcome... Any one help Thanks Shameer Chandra Sekhara Vyas Dhara SSChampion Points: ...
Here are 4 examples illustrating when you would use IF EXISTS and when you would use IF NOT ...
. Check is object null - What are the options? .Net 4 FileLoadException permissions problem With windows service .NET code to extract data from an excel sheet and create a text file having a specific format .Net Core 3.0 Console App. Microsoft.Data.SQLClient is not supported .NET Core su...
1、UNION 的语法如下:[SQL 语句 1]UNION [SQL 语句 2]2、UNION ALL 的语法如下:[SQL 语句 1]UNION ALL [SQL 语句 2]效率:UNION和UNION ALL关键字都是将两个结果集合并为一个,但这两者从使用和效率上来说都有所不同。1、对重复结果的处理:UNION在进行表链接后会筛选掉重复的记录,Union...
Here are 4 examples illustrating when you would use IF EXISTS and when you would use IF NOT ...
What is the difference between an "empty" value and a "null" value? When I select those fields that are "empty" versus "null", I get two different result sets. Answer:An empty string is treated as a null value in Oracle. Let's demonstrate. ...
One command to both INSERT new data and UPDATE existing records in your database towardsdatascience.com4. What is the difference with joins? I think of JOIN's as combining columns from two or more tables data sets using a related column between them. The UNION, INTERSECT and EXCEPT operator...
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "INSERT INTO" AND UNION IN SQL difference between (WITH [tablename] AS) and (DECLARE @[tablename] TABLE) Difference between APP_NAME() and PROGRAM_NAME() difference between char(13) and char(10) Difference Between DB Log File and Transaction log file Difference between ...