In its most narrow usage, fiction refers to written narratives in prose and often specifically novels, though also novellas and short stories. Literature Literature broadly is any collection of written work, but it is also used more narrowly for writings specifically considered to be an art form,...
In its most narrow usage, fiction refers to written narratives in prose and often specifically novels, though also novellas and short stories. Fantasy A fantasia. Fiction Literature in the form of prose, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people. Fantasy Imagine the occurrence ...
books containing facts or real life incidents are called non-fiction. There are many different forms of fiction such as flash fiction, short stories, novellas, and finally novels. However, the common thread running through all these different categories of fiction...
fiction. A novel is, specifically, a long piece of fiction. A novel is usually an entire book, more than 50,000 words long, telling a long story. Some other kinds of fiction are: short stories, novellas (longer than a short story, shorter than a novel), plays, and graphic novels. ...