Difference between ( ) { } [ ] and ; Difference between Boxing/Unboxing & Type Casting Difference between Click and Mouse click? Difference between Console.WriteLine and Debug.WriteLine... difference between dispose and setting an object to null Difference between int and byte Difference between Li...
CREATE TABLE Test ( `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `charNull` VARCHAR(10) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `charBlank` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, `charNullBlank` VARCHAR(10) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `intNull` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, `intBlank` INT(11) NOT NULL, `intNullBlank` INT(1...
My question is, is there any difference between a NULL and a Blank (Unknown, Not Applicable) field in MS SQL or are they the same? Awaiting your comments, Regards Yes, a very big difference! Be carefully if you have NULL valued fields. If you do a compare and one or both are NULL...
The Map contains unique key-pair values. But, the HashMap can hold duplicate values. The Map does not allow null values. But the HashMap can have one null key and multiple values. The Map has two implementations, which are HashMap and TreeMap. Whereas HashMap implements Map interface and...
net mvc is not working background image to label Backgroundworker on web applications Bad Request Check `Errors` for a list of errors returned by the API. at SendGrid Base Class vs Abstract Class vs Interfaces Basic Question what is difference between asmx and wsdl files? BC30002: Type '...
8 What is the difference between <> All and Not In 8 Null Values in a CASE statement 2 Simple Query has gone Serial after Optimisation, need it Parallel 4 How to create sums/counts of grouped items over multiple tables 11 What is the difference between `ORDER BY` and `PARTITION...
CASE STATEMENT AS A CONDITIONAND ALIAS CASE statement based on TIME field case statement for count between two dates CASE statement in SQL returns Null CASE statement in WHERE clause for IS NULL: I want to say IS or IS NOT Null for a column using C...
ok, so that's what I thought. In fact often times I'm not even creating the primary key. I simply create 1 or many unique indexes because it was my understanding that they are the same. Question: If primary key is indeed simply just a unique key then why have somethi...
She unique enters the micro power of observation carefully by the female, really described around her the world little world, in particular marriage and love disturbance between gentry virtuous young woman's.Her work style relaxed humorous, rich comedic conflict, is welcome deeply the reader.[trans...
Suppose we have a table named Employee which has two columns EmpID and EmpMail, both have not null attributes and unique value. So both columns are treated as candidate key. Now we make EmpID as a primary key to that table then EmpMail is known as alternate key. 9th Feb ...