根据第一段的After years of observing human nature,I have decided that two qualities make the difference between men of great achievement and men of average performance,curiosity and discontent经过多年对人性的观察,我认为成就斐然的人和表现平平的...
People psychologically addicted feel overcome by the desire to have a drug. They may lie or steal to get it. A person crosses the line between abuse and addiction when he or she is no longer trying the drug to have fun or get high, but has come to depend on it. _5_ An addicted p...
Desire is a strong feeling of wanting something or someone, often fleeting and self-centered; devotion is a deep commitment, usually enduring and selfless. Difference Between Desire and Devotion Table of Contents ADVERTISEMENTKey Differences
Some synonyms ofwanare: computer network, wAN, unanimated , weak , pale. Some synonyms ofwantare: wish, crave, hunger, need, seek. Never confuse wan and want again. Install ourfree grammar checker browser extension. The definitions in this article were adapted from Wiktionary....
Needs:the basic requirments that individual wishes to satisfy basic needs[food‚shelter‚drink‚safety‚affection] • Wants:wants are a step up ahead of needs and the depend on the needs of the humans‚ a want is a desire for specific product or service to satisfy underlying needs....
and stops using a substance may experience withdrawal symptoms.4Psychological addiction happens when the desire for a drug are psychological or emotional.People psychologicallyaddicted feel overcome by the desire to have a drug.They may lie or steal to get it.A person crosses the line between ...
This got me thinking -- what is therule? What's the difference between the verbs need and require? Firstly, let's look at a few examples of the verbneedand how we can paraphrase the sentences. I need a glass of water.(= I want / desire / would like a glass of water because it...
The intensity and commitment levels between desire and wish vary. 9 While desire often suggests a deeper emotional or physical pull, wish tends to be a lighter, fleeting sentiment, expressing a hopeful thought more than an active pursuit. 12 From a grammatical perspective, the usage of desire ...
There is a marked difference between the education which every one gets from living with others and the deliberate educating of the young. In the former case the education is incidental; it is natural and important, but it is not the express reason of the association. (46) It may be said...
Today, I want to clarify to you the exact difference between pleasure and happiness, which is a fairly big difference. The difference between pleasure and happiness: 1 - The tangible nature of pleasure: Dear brother, pleasure is of tangible nature; which means it is in need of substance, li...