We experimentally demonstrate mid-infrared difference-frequency generation in suspended 181 nm thick GaAs waveguides. Generation of the idler at wavelengths between 2800 and 3150 nm is enabled by form-birefringent phase-matching in ultrahigh index-contrast waveguides. Nonlinear mixing has a measured effici...
We describe tunable 5–12-μm mid-infrared generation in single-crystal silver gallium sulfide (AgGaS2), from nonlinear optical difference-frequency generation. Signal and idler waves obtained from a Nd:YAG laser–pumped LiNbO3 optical parametric oscillator (OPO) were mixed in AgGaS2 crystal to ...
We experimentally demonstrate mid-infrared difference frequency generation in suspended 181-nmthick GaAs waveguides. The extreme form-birefringence in the nanoslab waveguide enables phase-matching between the CW signal (1550 nm), pump (1025 nm), and idler (3000 nm).Stievater, T.H....
Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation of Mid- and Far-Infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers We present simulations of mid- and far-infrared quantum cascade lasers operating with/without external magnetic field. Maxwell-Bloch solver based on the fi... V. TAMOSIUNAS,Z. KANCLERIS,M. DAGYS,... - ...
It is based on nonlinear frequency conversion in GaSe using a compact commercial 100-fs-pulsed Er fiber laser system providing two amplified near-infrared beams, one of them broadened by a nonlinear optical fiber. The resulting collimated mid-infrared continuum beam of 1 mW quasi-cw power ...
Therefore, if we continued to increase the power of the laser irradiating the sample, the temperature at the heterojunction would have a large space to increase. The corresponding relationship between the photograph (lower inset) and the infrared photograph of the actual sample is shown in Fig.1...
near-infrared beams, one of them broadened by a nonlinear optical fiber. The resulting collimated mid-infrared continuum beam of 1 mW quasi-cw power represents a coherent infrared frequency comb with zero carrier-envelope phase, containing about 500,000 modes that are exact multiples of the pulse...
Multi-mode absorption spectroscopy of ammonia and methane at 3.3μm has been demonstrated using a source of multi-mode mid-infrared radiation based on difference frequency generation. Multi-mode radiation at 1.56μm from a diode-pumped Er:Yb:glass laser was mixed with a single-mode Nd:YAG ...
The number one key difference between LiDAR and radar is the type of electromagnetic wave they emit. LiDAR uses light waves, or lasers and radar uses radio waves. LiDAR systems use light from pulsed laser beams with a wavelength in the near-infrared (NIR) range. Radar systems use microwaves...
The energies of fundamental modes of atomic vibrations in molecules correspond to mid-infrared (mid-IR) frequencies in the range between several hundreds and several thousands of inverse centimeters, which are often referred to as the molecular fingerprint region (usually located in the wavenumber rang...