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Heritage The status acquired by birth, especially of high rank or noble ancestry. As the daughter of a king, she had royal heritage. 2 Culture The arts, beliefs, customs, institutions, and other products of human work and thought considered as a unit, especially with regard to a particular...
This distinction underscores the difference between personal family heritage and broader societal or cultural cohorts. 12 The concept of lineage is deeply rooted in genealogy, where individuals trace their family’s roots and connections, often to understand their place within a family’s history. ...
Chinese Executive MBA vs. Regular MBA A huge difference between the Chinese Executive MBA and Regular MBA can be seen in their curriculum, class profile, program structure, and admissions. We’ve simplified everything for you with the table below. More Key Differences EMBA 8+ years of work ex...
A large group of sentient beings distinguished from others on the basis of a common heritage compare species, subspecies. A treaty was concluded between the race of elves and the race of men. Breed A special variety of domesticated animals within a species; He experimented on a particular breed...
Establishes family connections and legal identity. 13 Compare with Definitions Nickname Personal Traits. Speedy for someone who runs fast, reflecting a notable characteristic. 12 Surname Family Lineage. Johnson, meaning son of John, indicating ancestry. 12 Nickname Based on Achievements. Champ for someo...
One of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed. Line A number of shares taken by a jobber. Line A series of various qualities and values of the same general class of articles; as, a full line of hosiery; a line of merinos, etc....
An agreement between a journalist and an interviewee that the name of the interviewee will not be quoted in any publication, although the substance of the remarks may be reported; - often used in the phrase "on background". Compare deep background. Background A person's social heritage: pre...
A connection or linkage between two or more things. There's a direct line between cause and effect. Common Curiosities Is "Que" the correct spelling in English for a row of waiting people? No, the correct spelling is "queue." "Que" is a common misspelling. 14 Are there other meanings ...
Not in my line. Line Merchandise or services of a similar or related nature Carries a complete line of small tools. Line A group of persons or things arranged in a row or series Long lines at the box office. A line of stones. Line Ancestry or lineage. Line A series of persons, espec...