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The other influential factor is νC-N mode (both in ring as well as between C atoms in ring and NH2 groups). However, the wagging NH2 modes are largely suppressed. The modes that do not influence NIR region are as follows; overtones of δipring, δipC-N(H2), δoopring, δoopC-N...
It is a traditional Andean crop that grows at altitudes between 3500 and 4500 m above sea level, in the central region of Peru [1]. Maca is also widely known as "Peruvian Ginseng," and is prized for its nutrient component specificity, which gives it a long history of cultivation and ...
The instantaneous opening speed of the relief valve spool reaches 15.7 m/s, and the hinge point between the top beam and the column is most sensitive to the hysteresis effect (impact coefficient increases by 0.63). Keywords: hydraulic support; rotary impact; dynamic response; mechanical-hydraulic...
The common garden experiment was set up after five replicates of the evolved population had adapted for 103 generations to a novel hot laboratory environment fluctuating between 18 and 28 ◦C in 12 h dark–12 h light photoperiods at a census population size of 1250 adult individuals per ...