In lang=en terms the difference between puss and cat is thatpussis the mouth whilecatis a piece of heavy machinery, such as a backhoe, of the Caterpillar brand. As nouns the difference betweenpussandcat is thatpussis a cat whilecatis an animal of the familyFelidae. ...
Difference Between ‘and’ and ‘&’ in Python: The and is a type of Logical AND that returns in a True form whenever both the operands are also true. The &, on the other hand, is a bitwise operator used in the Python language. Visit to learn more on ‘a
10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting 1.Solaris difference between "root" and "usr" packages Hi, could someone pls enlighten me on the difference between the "root" package and "usr" package? Like in this example: pkginfo -l SUNWGtku | grep -i desc DESC: GTK - The GIMP Toolk...
Difference between http:// and https://: These are protocols used to transfer the information of a particular website between Web Server and Web Browser. Explore more.
/dev/null:This is one more Pseudo file which is useful in many places likeredirecting unwanted output/error etc to this file.This file acts as a black hole(Which eat up everything and do not show any output). So whenever you feed some data to this file, you can not retrieve the data...
For finding difference between two versions of a file on Linux, you can use any one of the 4 tools explained in this article — diff, colordiff, wdiff, and vimdiff. The screenshots provided for these tools shows the difference between the following two empfile1.txt and empfile2.txt. ...
Difference between two timestamps Contd.. There was this thread earlier with the same name and the solution provided was excellent. Here is the solution to find diffrenc between two timestamp $ cat timestamp #! /usr/bin/ksh echo enter first time stamp read TIME1 echo enter second time st...
In this case, the language pack is referred to as a partially localized language pack. For example, in the French language pack all of the resources inside the language pack are localized into French, and in the Greek (Greece) language pack the majority of the language resources are ...
To grant storage permissions in Android go to Settings>Apps>Termux>Permissions and select storage, then run [[termux-setup-storage]] in Termux. There 2 ways to get a fake root:Learn more at [[Internal and external storage]]. * Package `fakeroot` - useful solely for packagers who need...
Termux requires a native Linux file system such as EXT4 or F2FS for supporting special files like symbolic links, sockets and Unix file attributes. Neither FAT32 or exFAT supports them. Furthermore, Android applies a special overlay to any general purpose file storage which turns underlying file...