Another key difference between the two words is the context in which they are used. As I mentioned earlier, a ton is commonly used in the United States, while a tonne is more commonly used in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world that use the metric system. Tonandtonneusage ...
-$1000$ kilograms is called a tonne.-The metric system originated back in $1670$ by a mathematician known as Gabriel Mouton.-The very easy way to remember the prefixes of the metric is just to remember the phrase “King Henry Died of Drinking Cold Milk”.-There are units ...
What is the difference between fission and fusion examples? In fission, energy isgained by splitting apart heavy atoms, for example uranium, into smaller atoms such as iodine, caesium, strontium, xenon and barium, to name just a few. However, fusion is combining light atoms, for example two ...