The seedy underworld of racing, illegal speeder racing, zipping in and out of the massive canopies and gorgeous vistas of the world occurred here.[8] Earth Unknown A planet, from which all known naturally evolved life originated. Humanity's diaspora from Earth occurred 3400 years before the ...
In SAS I would merge the data with itself, rather than make it a single row and then do the subtraction. You can do the similar functionality in SPSS by merging, doing the subtraction/create a new variable and only keeping the results. 0 Likes Reply joebacon Pyrite | Level 9 Re:...
Re: Find difference between two dates.. Posted 12-28-2012 08:13 PM (5103 views) | In reply to yaswanthj Below code uses the same approach like ErikT but is implemented with a MERGE statement instead of a combination of SET statements. data test;input date anydtdte23.;format date da...