While most vehicles use “AWD” to indicate their drivetrain, the prevalence of AWD has led automakers to create their own AWD nameplates: Audi has Quattro, Mercedes has 4MATIC, BMW has xDrive, and Volkswagen has 4MOTION. EVs also incorporate AWD but with a different approach than their interna...
Michael Simari|Car and Driver 6/26/24 UPDATE: This review has been updated with test results for the CLE450 coupe. Looking in the rearview mirror doesn't reveal much about where things are headed. In the case of the 2024 Mercedes-Benz CLE coupe, that trap is easy to fall into if you...
The Mercedes trailed behind the horse cart Trace A very small quantity of an element or compound in a given substance, especially when so small that the amount is not quantitatively determined in an analysis; - hence, in stating an analysis, often contracted to tr. Trail Hang down so as ...
mercedes-benz.com.hk 而配置於A 200的全新引 擎,採用直接噴注技術及渦輪增壓設計,可輸出156匹馬力,扭力為250牛頓米,不但擁有強勁的動力表現, 而行走每100公里僅耗用5.4升汽油,耗油量比上一代的少26%,而每公里僅排出127克二氧化碳。 mercedes-benz.com.hk [...] Programming Document (UCPD) which shall re...