how can i create a short if statement like in c#: if (a<b)?a:b - using How can i detect if iframe source url can be loaded or not ? How can I display a modal message box in How can i display image in new window? How can I display the current month name?
you should ask wat's the difference between if..else & switchwhen to use what Was this answer useful? Yes Replyvijju Oct 9th, 2011 The if statement can be used to test conditions so that we can alter the flow of a program. In other words: if a specific statement is true, ex...
I understand the difference between the .IF statement and the IF statement.I also understand the .TYPE statement and the TYPE statement.If I am using a .IF statement I would like to know when to use "==" instead of using "EQ" in the .IF statement.According to the masm documentation ...
Can I convert a foreach and if Statement into LINQ? Can i Convert Array to Queue? can i convert from string to guid Can I convert ITextSharp.Text.Image to System.Drawing.Bitmap? Can I do a Visual Basic (VB) Stop in C#? Can I have mutiple app.config files? Can I have two methods...
The difference between letter of intent and statement of purpose in education or employment is that the letter of intent is an outline, while the statement of purpose is more detailed and requires substantial research. Statement of Purpose When you are applying to a university, a Statement of ...
When choosing between a glass of Champagne or sparkling wine, it helps to think about what you want from your bubbly. If you’re looking for exceptional quality, craftsmanship, and perhaps more yeast-like characters, Champagne or a high-quality sparkling wine aged on the lees is a great choi...
Difference Between Statement Balance and Current Balance As mentioned, your current balance could be higher or lower than the statement balance, depending on the type of transactions you've made. You've probably made new purchases, which could make your current balance higher than your...
Here are 4 examples illustrating when you would use IF EXISTS and when you would use IF NOT ...
Difference between HTMLEncode & JavaScriptEncode Difference between input type BUTTON and SUBMIT difference between location.href and Response.Redirect Difference between MemoryStream.WriteTo and Response.Outputstream.Write while building a CSV Difference between Web Server control and HTML Server control Dif...
Hi You may use conditional formatting with below formula to highlight cells that do not match within two tables: =IFNA(MATCH(G2,$C$2:$C$8,0),0) A sample