they also have two copies of each gene and locus on those chromosomes. Each of these trait-encoding genes (or loci) is an allele. If there are identical alleles, the person is homozygous for that
online: 21 May 2005 Ó The Japan Society of Human Genetics and Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract The genome-wide linkage disequilibrium screen for loci associated with genetic difference between allergic and nonallergic asthma was conducted with 763 autosomal STR markers and included 190 asthmatic ...
All eight loci showed polymorphisms in all populations (number of alleles per locus, 11.114.1; averaged expected heterozygosity, 0.640.70). The number of loci that yielded significant genetic heterogeneities (allele frequency distribution and/or pairwise ) between Ezo- and Kuro-awabi populations was...
Mosaicism, caused by X chromosome inactivation, is one mechanism by which females can have an immune advantage over males, but there are also other features associated with the X chromosome that can modulate differences between female and male immune responses and even lead to immunological difference...
Although not originally well-highlighted as an advantage of chromosome microarray testing, allelic patterns of single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) loci have also emerged as an important tool to detect relevant chromosome aberrations that may not be apparent by more classical cytogenetic approaches...
The variant homozygote SNPs at these loci were never observed. This is likely due to the fact that dog breeds as populations are not subject to Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium: matings are not random, and traits are deliberately selected for or against by human breeders. However, this phenomenon ...
Sxl controls the processes of sex determination, sexual behavior, and dosage compensation and itself encodes a splice factor. Although there is no direct evidence showing that fl(2)d is a splice factor, the fl(2)d gene was picked up in a screen for loci that affect the splicing of Ultra...
In addition, the allele frequency of Tibetans least differed from that of East Asian populations, and most differed from that of Americans. Conclusion: Three significant loci of variation ACE rs4291, SLC19A1 rs1051296 and CYP2D6 rs1065852 were associated with drug response. This result will ...
In particular, it is possible that several loci are involved. When we increased the number of possible alleles by considering a three-allele polymorphism in the Swedish sample, we found a sig- nificantly better fit to the data, but this model did not cancel the parent-of-origin effect (...
called linked group and tend to inherit together as a unit during meiosis ofcell division. That is linked genes do not obeyMendel’s principleof independent assortment (twoalleleslocated at a certainlocus/ location separate (segregate) into two cells independently from other alleles at other loci)...