Lactose-free is not the same as dairy-free. The main difference between the two is that lactose-free products can be made from real dairy milk while dairy-free products are made from plant sources such as nuts and grains. While all dairy-free products are lactose-free, not all lacto...
True Intolerancesare when you can’t tolerate a food because you lack a specific chemical or enzyme to digest that food. Lactose intolerance may be the best-known example. Sometimes, true intolerance can be genetic. There’s not much you can do here except avoid that food. Food sensitivities...
Glucose is a simple sugar and a key source of energy for cells, while lactose is a disaccharide found in milk, composed of glucose and galactose.
Added sugars are those sugars that are removed from their original source and added to foods, usually as a sweetener or as a preservative for longer shelf life. It is important to note that sugar presents itself in many guises on food labels(e.g. dextrose, lactose, molasses, invert sugar,...
of enzymes needed to digest a particular food. For example, people with lactose intolerance are less efficient at digesting lactose, a natural sugar in milk and other dairy products. When they eat foods containing lactose, they may experience gastrointestinal symptoms, such as bloating and diarrhea...
For example, many people are intolerant to lactose, a common FODMAP carbohydrate found in many dairy products. When foods aren’t fully digested, they’re consumed by bacteria in the large intestine. This process is called fermentation, and it causes the production of gases like hydrogen in ...
9. Alta Dena Dairy Dean Foods Alta Dena Dairy is a brand that's part of the Dairy Farmers of America cooperative. The number of products that Alta Dena Dairy produces is vast. It includes both whole-fat lactose-free milk and 2% fat lactose-free milk, making the brand a favorite of Ame...
Sherbet is made with fruit and a dairy, like milk or cream, so it's definitely not vegan or lactose intolerant friendly, which may come as a surprise to many! "Egg white or gelatin is sometimes added, too, and there are federal regulations that mandate sherbet/sherbert should have 1–2...
That being said, many dairy-free diets allow you to eat butter. This mainly has to do with the proteins and lactose that milk has a lot of and butter has very little of. Unfortunately, some people can have a reaction even to trace amounts of milk protein. If you’re exceptionally sens...
Within 12-24 hours, raw milk will clabber, or begin to thicken and separate, due to the quick buildup of lactic acid caused by all those happy bacteria in there chowing down on the lactose. If you know what you’re doing, this clabbered milk can be used as a starter culture for mak...