Third, there is a difference in culture between British and Chinese. And I think it is the root why English is different from Chinese. For example, in 60s to 70s last century, the south Korean,SingaporeandChina’s Hong Kong andTaiwanwere called“the four Asian tigers”. But if you transl...
Chinese is a Sino-Tibetan language with multiple dialects and a logographic writing system, while Korean belongs to the Koreanic language family, utilizing an alphabetic system called Hangul.
There are many Korean words based on Chinese characters.There are cases where Chinese characters are used as they are, and there are cases where they are used as Korean.牛(우 : the Korean pronunciation of Chinese character) is are Chinese character and 소 is Korean.In...
@S_SEONGthank you so much! It was very clear! Hope you have a great day👍🏼
To compete successfully in today's global online game markets, a cross national analysis is becoming a more important issue. The purpose of this research is to identify if causalities among flow and customer loyalty are different between Korean and Japanese online games. To perform our research, ...
朝鲜人和韩国人的差别(ThedifferencebetweenKoreansand Koreans) AfriendmaypointoutthattheKoreansarethesamepeopleas koreans!ButIhavetosay,brother,andpersonality difference?!Ofcourse,usuallypeopleofdifferentcharacters inanationlivetogetherinamixedway.Butsomeimportant ...
Gender-and lesion number-dependent difference in "atherogenic index of plasma" in Chinese people with coronary heart disease. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):13207. Zhou K, Qin Z, Tian J, Cui K, Yan Y, Lyu S. The Atherogenic index of plasma: a ...
In this case, inserting such consonant between letters is grammatically incorrect. There are cases in which they are correct, but this phenomenon is known to be highly irregular in Korean. I think this is the reason why people get confused and pronounce it the non-standard way. 查看翻译 ...
to divide the remainder equally:Let's take half of the cake and let the three of them split the difference. v.t. to cause or constitute a difference in or between; make different. to perceive the difference in or between; discriminate. ...
is, Chinese face is satisfied by acting and speaking in accordance with one's social norms and conventions. ・Japanese face is also characterized by community-oriented society, and satisfied by discerning the situation, one's status in their community and the relationship between interlocutors. As...