A Scripture name of the Supreme Being, by which he was revealed to the Jews as their covenant God or Sovereign of the theocracy; the "ineffable name" of the Supreme Being, which was not pronounced by the Jews. Yahweh A name for the God of the Old Testament as transliterated from the ...
Of or relating to the Jews or their culture or religion. Catholic Including or concerning all humankind; universal "what was of catholic rather than national interest" (J.A. Froude). Jewish Of or pertaining to the Jews or Hebrews; characteristic of or resembling the Jews or their customs; ...
To make it possible for the Jew to conquer the whole world the Jews must have a proxy war machine, the Jews private army for Jew world conquest. What the Jews do is that they take control of the biggest countries there are and then turn them into the Jews proxy war machine. The Jews...
To continue the discussion regarding the Holy Spirit Praxis, consider a case study from scripture that begins in Acts 1:8; “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and all of Judea and Samaria, and to the end of th...
Now this is true when it comes to music and the playing of instruments. Every instrument was made to be played beautifully. God gave the Jews music. God gave King David the ability to make instruments, and the Jewish community today, though they are the enemies of the Gospel, still have...
The apostle Paul, one of the main writers of the New Testament, further defined the “Gospel” by explaining that under the New Covenant, we are all now “One in Christ” if we are among his followers, and that there is no distinction anymore be...
God gave the Jews music. God gave King David the ability to make instruments, and the Jewish community today, though they are the enemies of the Gospel, still have a shred of what King David had. Many of the classical musicians are Jewish. If you want to hear how a violin should be ...
“And there came thither certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the people, and, having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead. Howbeit, as the disciples stood round about him, he rose up, and came into the city: and the next day he departed...
I think that the condition of the indvidual heart makes the difference. Jesus said to the Jews who were lusting to kill Him, that they search the Scriptures and think they they have eternal by reading them. But they refused to come through the Door. They were closed in mind so nothing...