Difference between JAX-RS @PathParam and @QueryParam Date:March 10, 2015 javax.ws.rs.NotAcceptableException: No match for accept header Date:March 10, 2015 NoMessageBodyWriterFoundFailure: Could not find MessageBodyWriter for response Date:March 04, 2015 ...
REST and SOAP are two of the oldest and most popular application protocols in use today, and are used in a huge chunk of public APIs. It is important to understand the differences between REST and SOAP, what the pros and cons are, and how each can benefit your organization’s goals. ...
REST web services are easy to understand as you need to annotate plain java class with JAX-RS annotations to use various HTTP methods. This is all about Difference between SOAP and REST web services in java. If you find more differences, please comment, so that I can include them in post...