Welcome to our article on the differences between inter vs. intra. These two prefixes are often confused because of their similar spellings, but they actually
For example, we already covered the differences between intramural and intermural, but what about interstate or intrastate? International or intranational? Intergalactic or intragalactic? All of these are words and they can complicate remembering the difference between inter and intra. Luckily, there ...
The wordinterstatemeans “between states” in reference to a highway or road that goes between states. Interstatesmaintain the same highway number across the country because they are connecting the states. If you made reference to anintrastatehighway, that road would go by a name or number th...
Considering the fundamental differences between GST and VAT, the application of GST on goods and services has proven to be more efficient in various ways. The transition from VAT to GST has made tax collection easier, promoted transparency, and encouraged economic efficiency. The economy has benefit...
being governed by a different set of laws. The same applies to interstate and intrastate conflicts and interstate and intrastate businesses. Many people fail to appreciate the differences between these two concepts. This article attempts to highlight the differences between interstate and intrastate. ...