An immigrant visa must be obtained prior to getting a green card. A green card holder can pursue citizenship. Boundless helps you understand what documents you need, and keep them all together securely online. Find out more aboutwhat Boundless does andlet’s begin!
U.S. citizens cannot be deported from the United States, unless they committed fraud or made a misrepresentation to obtain their green card or citizenship. Is there any way to expedite processing of my application for naturalization? Applications for naturalization gener...
The practice of conferring citizenship to residents first arose in towns andcity-statesof ancient Greece, where it was granted only to property owners. The Romans adopted the practice as a bestowal of privilege that could be conferred on, or withheld from, conquered peoples; in time, citizens...
In the intricate web of international diplomacy, terms like embassy and consulate often feature prominently. Yet, understanding the nuances between these diplomatic entities can be akin to deciphering a complex code. Whenapplying for a green card,applying for U.S. citizenship, or any U.S. visa,...
Initially Indian citizens living out of the country had the option of either applying for a Person of Indian Origin (PIO) Card or an Overseas Citizenship of
The difference between residency and citizenship programs and how they can take you where you are treated best.
If we succeeded in removing the hyperbole and stereotypes from the immigration debate, our politics might open itself to a balanced approach to the problem: legalization for as many undocumented immigrants as possible, but citizenship for none of them. Under this proposal, illegal immigrants who so...
The middle section of your essay might detail your interest and experience in your particular field, as well as some of your knowledge of the field. Too many people graduate with little or no knowledge of the nuts and bolts of the profession or field they hope to enter. Be as specific as...
John Shen, CEO and founder of Regional Centers Holding Group, agrees with Foulger, stating that although most investors chose the mezzanine route, “knowledgeable EB-5 investors worldwide prefer senior loans because their main goal is to obtain a U.S. Green Card, therefore getting the investment...
(deductible). After that, the insurance company only pays the fixed amount for the policy, In this hypothetical case mentioned below in the table, the insured has to pay $15,900 because of the difference between the fixed amount the insurance pays and the actual billed amounts. Note that ...