I was at a party the other night and someone I met shared his opinion of the difference between a good doctor and a great doctor. A good doctor makes you well. A great doctor makes you well and calls you the next day to see how you’re doing. I thought about that all weekend. My...
The Difference Between A Good And Great Sales PersonScott Smeester
A few extra hours of practice can make the difference between a good performance and a great one.额外几个小时的练习是把表现良好提升为表现卓越的关键。而make a difference 强调的是行动或事情的影响或改变,通常用于强调某个行动或事情对于改变局面或产生影响的重要性。例如:Every little bit helps, and ...
其次,。正如本文标题而言,there is such a great difference between “ Great” & “ Good Job”。不知大家有没看过知乎上面的一个问题“做一辈子普通人是一种怎样的生活体验?”,这个问题下第二高票的回答(by Jingjing)大概讲了这么一个故事(节选):“….那时候我开始觉得也许音乐才是我一生所爱,金融啊数学...
Whenever we settle for “good enough” solutions in life, there’s a tradeoff. Sure, the cheaper, good enough dishwasher may clean your dishes, but it’ll use twice as much energy and leave your dishes streaky. In business, the tradeoff of settling for “good enough”...
make a great difference 有很大差别,有很大 不同 有很大的关系[影响] make a difference between 区别对待 make some difference to 对...有些[没有]关系 make no difference to 对...有些[没有]关系 make all the difference 关系重大,大不相同 make all the difference in the world 关系重大,...
The difference between something good and something great is attention to ___.A.appearanceB.spiritC.detail的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(shuashuati.com)是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷题练习的工具.一键将文档转化为在线题库手机刷题,以提
These are experiments all businesses need to make in order to grow, improve efficiency, and enhance their processes. You Don’t Have to Travel Far It isn’t necessary to travel to a foreign land; conferences are another great way to gain perspective that encourages business reflection. They’...
8 guys describe the best blow job they've ever had 10 common blow job problems - and how to fix them "How to give the best blowjob" post is specific AF How this simple tip changed blow jobs for me 9 guys reveal what makes a great blow job ...
athe difference between a good presentation and a great one doesn't just come down to the words and expressions we use or how state-of-the-art your computer graphics are the difference between a good presentation and a great one doesn't just come down to the words and expressions we use...