VonC and Charles explained the differences between git reset and git checkout really well. My current understanding is that git reset reverts all of the changes back to a specific commit, whereas git checkout more or less prepares for a branch. I found the following two diagrams quit...
Then, your rebased branch can cause serious confusion and headaches for all involved parties as Git will tell you that your branch is both ahead and behind at the same time. If this happens, pulling remote changes using the rebase flag (git pull --rebase) generally solves the problem. Furt...
简单来说,git merge和git rebase从最终效果来看没有任何区别,都是将不同分支的代码融合在一起,但是生成的代码树就稍微有些不同。使用git rebase,可以避免不必要的merge,使代码数保持直线,便于将来查看历史. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16666089/whats-the-difference-between-git-merge-and-git-rebase/16666...
In the last tutorial, we learned about theGit push command. Git push command pushes the changes made by the users on their local repository to the remote repository. Additionally, pushing the changes to the remote repository enables the whole team to collaborate and share their work. But, this...
Git Rebase vs. Git Merge: Comparison The main difference betweengit rebaseandgit mergeis thatgit rebasecreates a new set of commits applied on top of the target branch, whilegit mergecreates a new merge commit that combines the changes from both branches. ...
Is rebase and merge the same thing? Why are there 2 different procedures to do one thing? 29 What's the difference between git rebase and merge --no-ff 9 What's the difference between git merge --squash and git cherry-pick? 4 Isn't git merge --squash really git rebase -squash?
1 difference between git --git-dir checkout and git checkout 1 How does git checkout work after git fetch 1 Difference between "fetch and rebase" vs "checkout, pull and rebase." Hot Network Questions In Matthew 5:13-16, who is the implied subject causing the salt to ...
1196 What's the difference between git reset --mixed, --soft, and --hard? 177 Why does Git say my master branch is "already up to date" even though it is not? 120 How Do I 'git fetch' and 'git merge' from a Remote Tracking Branch (like 'git pull') 47 How to merge bra...
If the question is what's the difference between squash and fixup in git when doing git rebase --interactive, then the answer is the commit message. s, squash <commit> = use commit, but meld into previous commit f, fixup <commit> = like "squash", but discard this com...