HTTP没有要求,如果Method是POST数据就要放在BODY中。也没有要求,如果Method是GET,数据(参数)就一定要放在URL中而不能放在BODY中。 网上的说法只是HTML标准对HTTP协议的用法的约定,现代的Web Server都是支持GET中包含BODY这样的请求。虽然这种请求不可能从浏览器发出,但是现在的Web Server又不是只给浏览器用! 2. HTT...
difference between http get and post 1用get的地方 在浏览器中输入url直接访问资源时,用get。get是通过url传参的。 2用post的地方 2.1 url长度超限时 post是将参数放在http body中的,因此对参数的长度是没有要求的,但是一般的服务器对url的长度都是有要求的,apache http服务器要求url长度不超过4000个字符。 ...
Data sent through POST method will not visible in the URL.Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the POST MethodIt is more secure than GET because user-entered information is never visible in the URL query string or in the server logs. There is a much larger limit on the amount of data ...
When should I use GET or POST method? What's the difference between them? It's not a matter of security. The HTTP protocol defines GET-type requests as beingidempotent, while POSTs may have side effects. In plain English, that means that GET is used for viewing something, without changing...
Operation: GET Method: Used to retrieve information from the server. POST Method: Used to create or update a resource. Data Location: GET Method: Appends data to the URL, visible to all. POST Method: Includes data in the request body, not displayed in the URL. ...
function Dog (name) { = name; } Dog.prototype.bark = function () { console.log('woof'); }; let dog = new Dog('fluffie'); // DON'T: // Old method using __proto__ deprecated! console.log(dog.__proto__); // DO: // Using the newer getPrototypeOf function console....
This is why many RESTful APIs extensively use the HTTP protocol’s POST method. If a function or service doesn’t map neatly onto one of the HTTP protocol’s GET, PUT, PATCH or DELETE methods, the POST method gets used. When software architects build and design a RESTful API, it is im...
Can lock work between multiple objects of a class ? Can multiple threads safely run the same method simultaneously? can not cast interface to object which imlements it Can not find System.Web in add reference. Can not implicitly convert 'System.IO.DirectoryInfo' to 'String' Can not set a ...
What are the main differences between IMAP vs. POP? What are the pros and cons of POP3? What are the pros and cons of IMAP? 05 POP or IMAP: when to use them 06 Final thoughts What are email protocols? There are three types of email protocols: ...
What is the difference between POST and GET HTTP requests? GETandPOSTare two different types of HTTP requests. According toWikipedia: GETrequests a representation of the specified resource. Note that GET should not be used for operations that cause side-effects, such as using it for taking acti...