Function must Return a valueFunction can use in the SQL query while procedure can't thats the major Difference between procedure and functionPackage is the fastest because For standalone function & procedure if you call means each and every time it will complie but for the package once if you...
(computing) A process or execution of a program. The user killed the frozen task. Function A rule of correspondence between two sets such that there is exactly one element in the second set assigned to each element in the first set. Also called mapping. Task (obsolete) A tax or charge....
The difference between a project and a program is that:A.A program is made up of multiple projectsB.A program requires at least three times longer to plan than a projectC.A project is a one-shot deal while a program is on-goingD.A and C...
Looking at this example, we can figure out the fact that a formula is much more flexible than a function in a field. Some examples of the functions used very often are, IF, AVERAGE, SUM, COUNT, etc. Major differences between a formula and a function Any type of calculation is a ...
Is a program always more complex than an activity? Generally, yes, as programs involve coordination of multiple activities toward a broader objective. 7 What is the difference between a program and an activity? A program is a structured plan with multiple activities to achieve specific goals, whi...
Difference between Software and Program: Software is a collection of programs and program is a set of instructions. learn Difference of software and program
Difference b/w function and subroutine? Difference between .NET framework versions and ASP.NET versions Difference between ( ) { } [ ] and ; Difference between Boxing/Unboxing & Type Casting Difference between Click and Mouse click? Difference between Console.WriteLine and Debug.WriteLine... diffe...
macro is typeless and execute faster than funtion ,becaus of the overhead of calling and returnning of function,but macro will increase the size of program due to many time's substitution,as well as the side effect of macro may cause unexpected results,to avoid this ,you'd better make th...
1.what is the difference between application software and system software? 2.briefly describe three types of applications. 4.high-level languages are easier to use,so why would a programmer want to write a program in assembly language. 5.what was the first high-level language?when was it ...
I tried researching the difference between cout, cerr and clog on the internet but couldn't find a perfect answer. I still am not clear on when to use which. Can anyone explain to me, through simple programs and illustrate a perfect situation on when to use which one? I ...