An undifferentiated endothelial progenitor cell that has yet to integrate into a blood vessel. MIDLINE The notochord and its anterior extension, the prechordal plate. ARTERIOVENOUS MALFORMATION An abnormal connection between a main artery and vein, such as the dorsal aorta and posterior cardinal vein,...
Boccocarro Shell-world A cavernous shell-world with surface tunnels, fungus caverns, drip-wells, and speech-halls. Native Boccin work as miners, fungus growers, surface scavengers, community cooks, and frog-hunters. Mine hypervisor and their abyssal marines sometimes attack those living there. Peop...
Difference Between i.e. and e.g. Difference Between Inbound and Outbound Logistics Difference Between Internal and External Audit Difference Between Judge and Magistrate Difference Between Kidney Stone and Kidney Infection Difference Between Laid Off And Fired Difference Between Memo and Letter Difference...
Article: Waveform difference between skin conductance and skin potential responses in relation to electrical and evaporative properties of skin
An undifferentiated endothelial progenitor cell that has yet to integrate into a blood vessel. MIDLINE The notochord and its anterior extension, the prechordal plate. ARTERIOVENOUS MALFORMATION An abnormal connection between a main artery and vein, such as the dorsal aorta and posterior cardinal vein,...
It is often thought that non-junk or coding DNA is more significant than other cellular elements, including so-called junk DNA. This is for two main reason
Thanks to Jane Arnett, Jeff Froggett, Ceil Goldman and Barry Stone for their suggestions. SONG LYRICS OH, FREEDOM! Oh, freedom, Oh, freedom Oh freedom over me And before I'd be a slave I'd be buried in my grave And go home to my Lord and be free ...