We analysed data from the DATCOV national active surveillance system for COVID-19 admissions to hospital, comparing in-hospital mortality and other patient characteristics between the first and second waves of COVID-19. The study revealed that after adjusting for age, sex, race, comorbidities, hea...
8 Cf. also: "I would like to observe a point of similarity between the Nya¯ya theory and Russell's definition of the number n as the class of all classes of n objects". Russell (1919, p. 14): "It is clear that number is a way of bringing together certain collections, namely,...
NPN与PNP的区别与判别(Difference and discrimination of NPN and PNP) The distinction and discrimination between NPN and PNP 2009-07-27 17:44:25| classification: WJJ comprehensive | subscription name 1. if you enter a high level and the output requires a low power, select NPN first. 2. if ...
Since a synthetic wave of the reflected wave and the direct wave is observed as a received wave, the amplitude of the received wave increases or decreases, and the period thereof varies, depending on the phase difference between the reflected wave and the direct wave. This narrows the measureme...