A structure and method for implementing a fully digital frequency difference detector uses an n-bit counter to count cycles of a reference clock signal and an m-bit counter to count cycles of a synthesized clock signal, where m is greater than n. The two counters operate concurrently, and bo...
F14F16J31This study analyzes the effect of trade liberalization on wage inequality through industry wage premiums in Indonesia's manufacturing sector between 2000 and 2015, a period marked by low import tariffs. The study was undertaken by adopting a two-stage estimation approach. Using the ...
F F T T T T F T T F T F F T F F F F 哲学 孙江可:“明示”与“默示”——康德与早期维特根斯坦的不同“划界” 173 建立在以记号为其代表物这一原理的基础上。” [3](45) p 。 通过名字直接命名对象,由名字联接构成的基本命题 投射由对象直接联接构成的事体;在此基础上,经过 对基本...