1. ES6 vs ES5 To understand transpiler, first, we must understand the difference between ES6 and ES5 JavaScripts. ES6 (ECMAScript 6) is specification for next version JavaScript. Some of its major enhancements includemodules,class declarations,lexical block scoping,iteratorsandgenerators,promises for...
In terms of performance, is there any difference between using arrow functions and bind manually when using es6 classes? Using arrow functions the methods are not on the class prototype, it will be on the class instance only. Using bind will attach the methods to class prototype. It sounds ...
然后,要在浏览器中使用基于 CommonJS 的工作流,您将使用 Browserify 之类的工具来获取所有这些单独的模块文件,在运行时封装它们的内容,并根据需要将它们互相注入。 并且,由于 ES6 模块(您可能会通过 Babel 或类似程序转发到 ES5)正在获得广泛接受,并且在浏览器或 Node 4.0 中都可以使用,我们也应该提及它们的良好概...