Therefore, the comparison between SI and CO reflects pure semantic conflict (different colors but mapped to the same response), whereas the contrast between SI-RI reflects response conflict only (both have semantic conflict)8–10,27,30,34 (see Fig. 1B). By manipulating the masking strength...
The result that may be of most interest in light of the great footwear debate of the past few years is the fact that when they controlled for the various differences between the groups,there was no difference in injury risk between the soldiers wearing the traditional shoes and those wearing ...
Since the origin of Psychophysics as a discipline, it has been acknowledged that there is a close link between similarity and perceptual mechanisms; since the origin, methods that required the participants to quantify the degree of similarity between two stimuli using rating scales were widely used....
Therefore, Shi [26] designed a correction model based on unknown nodes in which the unknown nodes use their own correction coefficients, and a dynamic weighted DV_Distance localization algorithm is proposed using the ratio of actual Euclidean distance to accumulated hop distance between anchor nodes....
Similar to the results indicated in Figure 7, the deviation between the two solutions increases with frequency. At a frequency of 101 Hz, the two modeling results are in good agreement, as indicated in Figure 10a–d, for both real and imaginary parts of the x-component electrical field with...
First, among plenty studies that have done in the electric field, research on the electricity consumption pattern between heavy and light industry is rare. So far as we know, this is the first paper to focus on the industrial difference of power load from a policy perspective. Second, as a...