+ '''{{item name|Otolaryngologist's Mirror}}(Otolaryngologist's Mirror)'''是一項專屬於[[Medic/zh-hant|醫護兵]]的[[Hats/zh-hant|頭飾]]。這物品是一個醫生看診時使用的頭鏡。 + + 購買紅隊醫護兵模型的玩家,就可以在遊戲中獲得這頂頭飾的[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統屬性]]版本。
Otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat doctor [ENT]) Oral surgeon Prosthodontist (makes dental appliances) Dentist and orthodontist Speech pathologist/therapist Audiologist (hearing specialist) Social worker/psychologist Geneticist Nurse coordinator What are complications of a cleft lip and cleft palate?
nasal opening, or palate. Since as many as 35% of conceptions with cleft lip and palate may be associated with other non-oralcavitydeformities, specialized ultrasounds may be indicated. Similarly, the obstetrician may recommend blood tests and anamniocentesis. A referral to a perinatologist (an...