Ⅲ.The D i fferences between English and Ch i n ese Color W ords i n Con 2 cept Concep tual meaning is the basic meaning of words .Owing t o different cul 2tural backgr ounds,there al w ays exist cultural conflicts in the communicati on be 2t w een Chinese and English .One ...
maar ze worden in verschillende situaties gebruikt en hebben een iets andere nuance."...
in proportion tothedifferenceinsizebetween those infringing pages and an infringing page of A4 size; and legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk (b) 如任何侵犯版權頁小於或大於A4尺寸,則該等侵犯版 權頁的數目須根據該等侵犯版權頁與一版A4尺寸的侵犯版權頁所相差的尺寸,按比例依個別情況向下或 上調;及 ...
share and Internet addiction,andcompare the differenceinvarious lifestyles between groups at different ages and net ages. apira.org apira.org 根据近年来互联网研究和业界关注重点,我们将网民的上网行为和态度划分为网络信任,网 络互动和网络依赖三个方面,包括信息信任、交易信任、社会参与、网络分享、网络成瘾等...
means the vehicle itself. It can be a vehicle that has wheels, such as car, truck, and ...
iPad iPhone Beschrijving Spot the differences between two photos before your lives and times run out! Key Features: - Beautiful pictures - Addictive gameplay that is fun for everyone! - Lots of levels! - Catchy sound effects! Have fun. ...
Thetime differencebetween us is [5] hours, so how would [9am] my time / [2pm] your time work for you? peaceoneday.org peaceoneday.org 我们之间的时差为[5]小时,因此我的时间早上 [9] 时/您的时间下午[2]时对您来说怎么样? peaceoneday.org ...
The study is focused on the secondary frame, a thread interposed between radial and primary frame strands, the importance of which has not been examined until now. The simulation of the impact performance of webs using different lengths of the secondary frame clarifies its structural role, which ...
Madam President,the biggest differencebetween my amendment and the amendment proposed by Mr Albert HO to my amendment [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 主席,我的修正案與何俊仁議員就我的修正案再提出的修正,最大分別 其實是在於我是點名譴責前房屋局局長黃星華及前房屋署署長苗學禮。
With regard to the first and second cycles, there is a barelydiscernable differencebetween enrolment figures disaggregated by area of residence. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 按照居住地区进行比较,各地区基础教育一至六年级的学生人数没有太大差 别,七到九年级的学生人数有很大差距,城市地区是...