of digital inputs and the adj ustment range is between 0 and 360 degrees w ith the leas t of adj ustment step of 2 .8 d eg re es. T he r ela t ion ship b et w ee n t h e p ha se sh ift degree and DI fthe digital input ) is listed in Table 1. ...
The linear ranges of DC transfer characteristics of the real MLT section are limited up to ±500 mV for inputs X and Y, and up to ±350 µA for the auxiliary terminal z. The examples of measured DC transfer characteristics between input voltage (VY) and output current (IZ), are ...
The trajectory for the SEAQT model is also similar, except for the time lag, which is due to the initial slowness of energy spreading between eigenlevels; (b) For the entropy vs. time trajectories, the ME model shows a markedly greater change in entropy. The DE and SEAQT curves indicate...