SouthernYangtzeUniversity,Wuxi214122,China AbstractItiswellacceptedthatlowerhybridcurrentdrivefLHCD)isthemostemcient methodfornon-inductivecurrentdriveinfusiondevicesandtheefectofthecurrentdriveis dependentonnotonlymicrowavepowerbutalsoitsgrillphas eshift.Thispaperpresentsanew kindoffeedbackcontrolsystemforantennaphas...
The trajectory for the SEAQT model is also similar, except for the time lag, which is due to the initial slowness of energy spreading between eigenlevels; (b) For the entropy vs. time trajectories, the ME model shows a markedly greater change in entropy. The DE and SEAQT curves indicate...
The linear ranges of DC transfer characteristics of the real MLT section are limited up to ±500 mV for inputs X and Y, and up to ±350 µA for the auxiliary terminal z. The examples of measured DC transfer characteristics between input voltage (VY) and output current (IZ), are ...