Deficient in a specified way. Cow's milk is poor in iron. Rich Pleasantly full and mellow A rich tenor voice. Poor Inadequate, insufficient. I received a poor reward for all my hard work. Rich Warm and strong in color A rich brown velvet. Poor Free from self-assertion; not proud or ...
A lack or deficiency; an insufficient amount. Lack To be missing or deficient We suspected that he was lying, but proof was lacking. Shortage Amount or extent of deficiency, as determined by some requirement or standard; as, a shortage in money accounts. Lack To be in need of something Sh...
(archaic) To be affected with want; to come short; to lack; to be deficient or unprovided; used withof. * Berke If ever theyfailof beauty, this failure is not be attributed to their size. (archaic) To fall away; to become diminished; to decline; to decay; to sink. ...
In none of the comparisons was there a significant improvement in pregnancy rate but this may be due to the lack of power (i.e. insufficient patients randomised to demonstrate a significant difference between treatments). There was a ... ...
Deletion of the I30 region altered the WASP's closed conformation and impaired its ability to rescue the chemotactic defect of WASP-deficient (JurkatWKD) T-cells. Expression of N-WASP in JurkatWKD T-cells using WASP promoter restored the migration velocity without correcting the chemotactic defect...
Airway liquid content and insufficient absorptive airway ion transport at birth are potentially important factors in the development and severity of neonatal respiratory disease. The role of deficient absorptive airway ion transport in the development of chronic lung disease of prematurity is unknown. ...
When patients present with clinical symptoms caused by insufficient β-cell-mass and subsequent aberrant glucose regulation, this auto-Ab profile allows for specific diagnosis of immune-mediated T1D. In general, T1D patients can only rely on exogenous insulin substitutions to stabilize their glucose ...
As adjectives the difference between scarce and scanty is that scarce is uncommon, rare; difficult to find; insufficient to meet a demand while scanty is...
Meager is the spelling commonly used in American English to describe something that is deficient in quantity or quality, indicating insufficiency or scantiness. Meagre, on the other hand, is the preferred spelling in British English, carrying the same definition and usage. The difference between the...
Uncommon, rare; difficult to find; insufficient to meet a demand. Scarcely (modal) Probably not. One could scarcely find any trout in the stream without the stocking program. Scarce (archaic) Scantily supplied (with); deficient (in); used with of. Scarcely (modal) Certainly not. One could...