, according to the following criteria:
I'm trying to write a formula that, when there are identical data values in a row, calculates the difference between that value and the closest of the two remaining data values. I'm also trying to write a formula to "label" the result of the previous formula. For exam...
This included contrasts between HC and CD and between individual event types. Exploratory post-hoc linear regressions were utilized to examine the relationship between cocaine use factors (chronic and acute) and CD changes in reward-related brain activity. As TDE processes are impacted by chronic ...
If the R/G editing does regulate and expand the GluA1 function by separating the difference between the GluA1 flip and flop variants, it will be the R/G editing site on GluA2R that exerts that regulatory function. This is because normally, postnatal GluA2 exists virtually only in the Q/...