The only difference between these two is that cte2 has column name((name)) defined in its declaration. When I execute both CTEs, I don't see any difference in the execution plan. I am just curious to know: What difference does it make if I don't specify any column names in...
My understanding of a CTE is that it's basically a kind of adhoc view. SQL is both a declarative and a set based language. CTE's are a great way of declaring a set! Not being able to index a CTE is actually a good thing because you don't need to! It's really a kind of ...
generally in sql server we are using the terms SPID and session_id .can i know what is the difference between them ?Thanks.All replies (1)Tuesday, October 9, 2018 2:06 PM ✅Answered use Marked as...
Basic CTE query, get full path of something recursive BCP Error - Copy direction must be either 'in', 'out' or 'format'. BCP Export to csv using UTF-8 or UTF-16 BCP Issue when using a format file and excluding columns. BCP Numeric value out of range BCP or BULK INSERT? why? bc...
Function for calculating date differences in SQL Server, SQL Server: Calculate the Month Interval Between Two Dates, Calculating time difference in SQL for two given dates and displaying it in hh:mm:ss format, Obtaining time difference using SQL Server
The other important issue between the two has to do with the scopes of each abstract. While the table variable has a scope for the duration of the batch, the CTE has a scope that is limited to the particular statement -- select, update...
Well is the CTE materialized? That is, is it saved to an intermediate "table"? This, alas, is controlled by a setting hive.optimize.cte.materialize.threshold. If the CTE is materialized, then you definitely want it filtered in the CTE> On the other hand, materialization might lose othe...
Calling a report from T-SQL can grow property is not working in ssrs 2008 R2 Can I autosize my TextBox in SSRS? Can I move the legend outside of the Chart Area so that it can be "shared" between multiple charts using the same legend criteria? Can i rotate the text in 45 degrees...
generally in sql server we are using the terms SPID and session_id .can i know what is the difference between them ?Thanks.All replies (1)Tuesday, October 9, 2018 2:06 PM ✅Answered use Marked as...