Risk of developing PD is twice as high in men than women, but women have a higher mortality rate and faster progression of the disease. Moreover, motor and nonmotor symptoms, response to treatments and disease risk factors differ between women and men. Altogether, se...
this study was to explore the similarity or difference in vegetation structure (including species composition, biomass and community structure) during the course of three seasons (early spring, early summer, early autumn), and to investigate the relationship between vegetation structure and microhabitats...
The highly populated region between 5100–4000 cm−1 is mostly influenced by the combinations of stretching modes with deformation modes of NH2 groups. The other influential factor is νC-N mode (both in ring as well as between C atoms in ring and NH2 groups). However, the wagging NH2 ...
According to textbooks on bioenergetics [36,37], the dominant point of view is that in mitochondria, the ∆ψ values reach ~150–200 mV, while the characteristic pH difference between the outer (the intermembrane space) and internal (matrix) volumes does not exceed ∆pH~0.5–1.0 (about ...
Consistent true signals are shown with dark red dots, while false positive and false negative signals are indicated in light purple and red, respectively. In a small set of genes, the expression was even significantly reversed between the two contrasts (dark purple). To explicitly evaluate how ...
This computation integrates the displacements at microphone position with a time delay and an attenuation determined by the virtual microphone position above the drumhead. Thereby, the attenuation d/r(x,y), with r(x,y) being the distances between the respective points on the membrane and the ...