The ohmic analogue of the heat flux method is a current measurement in a circuit with unknown resistors, which in this case are the thermal contacts at the interfaces between the sample and the heat baths. The measured heat flux can be underestimated, as described in the sketch of Fig. ...
crystals, including whether solvates and hydrates are included in the same definition: the FDA has defined co-crystals as "solids that are crystalline materials composed of two or more molecules in the same crystal lattice" with the interactions between them governed by "non-ionic interactions" [...
The other influential factor is νC-N mode (both in ring as well as between C atoms in ring and NH2 groups). However, the wagging NH2 modes are largely suppressed. The modes that do not influence NIR region are as follows; overtones of δipring, δipC-N(H2), δoopring, δoopC-N...
Net Longwave and Shortwave Radiation The difference between the first and the last periods of data was used to calculate the spatial variation in the net shortwave and net longwave radiation from 2000 to 2015. Overall, the change in net longwave radiation in most areas of Beijing was positive ...
Variance partitioning analysis showed that 28.0% of the variation in NDEP could be explained, with environmental difference constituting 14.0% and the interaction between the environmental difference and spatial distance constituting the remaining 14.0%. Soil texture was the most important factor for ...
The examples of measured DC transfer characteristics between input voltage (VY) and output current (IZ), are shown in Figure 3a; VX serves as the DC constant, driving overall transconductance (in accordance to gm ∼= 1.3 × 10−3 VX). The gain bandwidth (GBW) of the real prototype ...
Forth, they define analysis as the ability to break down complex problems into parts, solve each part and determine connections between parts. Fifth, they define synthesis as the ability to assemble parts in order to create a new whole, to integrate application knowledge with other skills, and ...
First, based on the broadband that is typical of blast waves, the peak frequency of the P-wave was obtained in the time–frequency domain, taking advantage of the difference in the propagation speed of the P-wave, S-wave, and the surface wave. Second, the phase difference between two ...
In Section 4, by the simulation experiments, comparison between the DTC and the proposed FADFC strategy illustrates that the steady-state performance can be obviously improved by utilizing the proposed strategy. Finally, Section 5 is the conclusion. 2. Brushless Doubly Fed Machine (BDFM) Model ...