The difference between cc and bcc is that both are used for sending an email to additional recipients, but only you as the sender can see all the names listed under Bcc. Origin of CC and BCC abbreviations In the golden age of typewriters, before we had copy machines and computers, the ...
What’s the Difference Between CC and BCC When Sending an Email? The CC and BCC fields when sending email work similarly. CC stands for “carbon copy,” while BCC stands for “blind carbon copy.” While these terms may have been immediately obvious when email was invented, they’re antiqua...
We hope that this quick explanation of the difference between CC and BCC fields in email was useful for you. Should you have any questions or suggestions on this topic, please feel free to use the comments area. Thank you for using TechWelkin!
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Best method to remove duplicate users after To / CC / Bcc have been set Best way to handle a bool return function with throwing a new exception in C# Bind CheckBoxList with selected Items bind data from sql database to "asp:label" control Bind DataGrid to hard coded values for demonstratio...
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In a professional setting, it is important to use discretion when choosing between Reply vs Reply All. It is generally considered appropriate to use Reply when the response is only relevant to the original sender, and to use Reply All when the response is relevant to all recipients. Additionall... So to answer Karthik's question "the difference between trusted sites zone and locked-down trusted sites zone": Websites using common protocols (http and https) are loaded using the less...
Adding contacts or email addresses to the To, BCC, CC fields Emailing and making sure it is shown in the “Sent Mail” section All the test cases above are grouped to achieve a certain target at the end of them. Also, test procedures have a few test cases c...
some common types of computing tasks include mathematical calculations, data processing, simulation, rendering graphics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence algorithms. what is the difference between compute and computation? compute and computation are two terms that are often used interchangeably....