A linen (or sometimes cotton) fabric, finer and lighter than canvas, - used for the lighter sails of vessels, the sacking of beds, and sometimes for men's clothing. Duck The light clothes worn by sailors in hot climates. Duck Any bird of the subfamily Anatinæ, family Anatidæ. Duc...
Mandrake is a plant noted for its human-shaped roots and mystical properties, while a duck is a waterbird known for its distinctive quacking and waddling gait. Difference Between Mandrake and Duck Table of Contents ADVERTISEMENTKey Differences ...
A linen (or sometimes cotton) fabric, finer and lighter than canvas, - used for the lighter sails of vessels, the sacking of beds, and sometimes for men's clothing. Duck The light clothes worn by sailors in hot climates. Duck Any bird of the subfamily Anatinæ, family Anatidæ. Duc...
Oilcloth, also known as enameled cloth or American cloth, is close-woven cotton duck or linen cloth with a coating of boiled linseed oil to make it waterproof. Linoleum A material consisting of a canvas backing thickly coated with a preparation of linseed oil and powdered cork, used especially...
Lay paint on a canvas. Secular Of or pertaining to this present world, or to things not spiritual or holy; relating to temporal as distinguished from eternal interests; not immediately or primarily respecting the soul, but the body; worldly. New foes arise,Threatening to bind our souls with ...