Fungi and animals both contain a polysaccharide molecule called chitin that plants do not share. Chitin is a complex carbohydrate used as a structural component. Fungi use chitin as the structural element in the cell walls. In animals, chitin is contained in the exoskeleton of insects and in th...
What is the difference between mammals and amphibians? What are the types of sexual reproduction in plants and animals? Mammals are what, meaning they have different types of teeth in their mouth? What species has the smallest variation in size between adults of the same gender?
What is the difference between a virus, bacteria, and fungi? Explain the difference between the first and second lines of body defenses against infection by pathogens. Choose any pathogen. Describe one disease process of the pathogen (how does it infect the person, ...
Some animals keep the zygote in their bodies until it is a full-grown baby. The time between the forming of the zygote and the baby's birth is called pregnancy. Other animals do not keep the zygote in their bodies, but lay an egg. The zygote grows inside the egg until it is ready ...
Plants,animals,fungi,slimemoulds,protozoa,andalgaearealleukaryotic.Thesecells areaboutfifteentimeswiderthanatypicalprokaryoteandcanbeasmuch... kind,sort,andtype|What'sthedifferencebetween difference-between/english-language/kind-sort-and-type VeryoftenitmakesnodifferencewhichoftheseEnglishwordsweuse.Butthereare...
Difference Between Bacteria And Fungi Difference Between Bacteria And Protists Difference Between Bacteria And Protozoa Difference Between Bacterial Photosynthesis And Plant Photosynthesis Difference Between Bagging And Boosting Difference Between Bailable Offense And Non Bailable Offense Difference Between Bailment ...
One important distinction between centrosomes and centrioles is that while centrosomes are found only in animal cells, centrioles are found in a variety of organisms, including animals, plants, and protists. In plants, centrioles are typically found in the flagellated cells of gametophytes and...
While grass is not generally consumed by humans, it is edible and nutritious for many animals. 8 What climates are suitable for growing lettuce? Lettuce prefers cooler climates and may bolt or wilt in high heat. 8 Can you grow lettuce at home? Yes, lettuce can be easily grown in home ga...
Explore the differences between Turtle and Tortoise. Discover their distinguishing characteristics and find out what similarities they share only on BYJU'S
Sexual and Asexual Reproduction:Sexual reproduction is the primary means of reproduction in most animals as well as plants. Whereas, usually smaller organisms like bacteria rely on asexual reproduction.Answer and Explanation: The most important difference between sexual and asexual reprod...