Difference Between Alkyl Halide and Aryl Halide Difference Between Polymer and Copolymer Difference Between Styrene and Polystyrene Difference Between Syn and Anti Addition Difference Between SN2 and E2 Reactions About the Author:Madhu Madhu is a graduate in Biological Sciences with BSc (Honours) Degree ...
XXXlll ,u=2.59 XXX lV p4.44 The n~echanismof deoxymercuration has been suggested variously as due to polar (27) and steric effects (28), and both probably are operative. Certainly the extreme resistance of alkyln~ercurichalides and the moderate resistance of arylmercuric halides toward de...
Thekey differencebetween R and S configuration is that the R configuration is the spatial arrangement ofRisomer, which has its relative direction of priority order in a clockwise direction whereas S configuration is the spatial arrangement of S isomer that has its relative direction of priority order...
Thekey differencebetween angina pectoris and myocardial infarctionis that angina pectoris is a condition that causes chest pain or discomfort when the heart is not receiving enough oxygen-rich blood, while myocardial infarction is a condition that can cause permanent heart damage and even death ...