直流电机与交流电机的区别(ThedifferencebetweenDCmotorand ACmotor) ThedifferencebetweenDCmotorandACmotorViews:4061reward points:0time:2011-3-2811:15||questionger:aoxiang1208 Thefunctionofanelectricmotoristoconvertelectrical energyintomechanicalenergy.Motorisdividedinto alternatingcurrentmotoranddirectcurrentmotortwo...
直流电机与交流电机的区别(The difference between DC motor and AC motor)
When choosing the right motor for your project it can be difficult to know which is the most appropriate for the particular application and industry. The two main initial options are between DC and AC electric motors. But what is the difference between them? And when would one be more ...
we can find that DC motors are a type of motor equipment with good speed regulation performance, relatively cheap maintenance, strong overload capacity, and little impact from electromagnetic interference. However, they are relatively expensive to manufacture, have carbon brushes, low reliability, short...
between AC and DC power. The DC power was firstly invented by Thomas Alva Edison in 1880, and at that time, the DC power was mainly used for powering the incandescent lamps. Nowadays, the DC current is widely used in various kinds of electronic instruments, electrolysis, electroplating, DC ...
AC vs. DC: Which Fan Is Right for You?The bottom line is that the right fan for you will depend on your specific needs. Prior to deciding between an AC and DC fan, you will need to carefully weigh the pros and cons of each type of fan....
what is the difference between AC and DC conductivity? Bydennisc— On May 18, 2008 question: when checking charger for a battery that has DC current, when i put my charger on AC it goes to DC and reads 15dc does that mean the charger is good?
What determines whether our motor / generator is operating as a motor or as a generator? Explain the working of an electric generator. Write two differences between DC motor and AC generator. What is an electric motor? Give name of its different parts and also explain their ...
Difference between ac , dc magnetic coil? Read What are the differences between AC and DC motor armature windings ??? Read How to choose the right capacitor for any application Read The engineer’s capacitor glossary: All terms and acronyms defined ...
notice if the bulb is going of and on. Devices like washing machines can work only on AC as its motor can spin on AC only. With automatic washing machines, it has become really complicated with motor running on AC while its screen and computer with DC with the help of a DC converter....