What is the Difference Between 5G and 4G? The difference between 5G and 4G goes beyond waveforms, speed, and latency. 5G infrastructure will be much larger than 4G. As you probably already know, 4G predominantly uses large cell towers to transmit signals. That’s not going away. 5G will ...
What about 4G LTE Advanced?As you discover more about 4G and 5G, you may have heard of 4G LTE Advanced. Think of this as kind of the halfway point between the two generations–it’s better than typical 4G, but not quite on the level of 5G yet. What is 5GE?
5G vs 4G LTE What about 4G LTE Advanced? What is 5GE? Will 5G replace 4G? How do I get 4G or 5G? Wanna get your 5G on? In addition, another key difference is latency. Latency is the delay between you requesting a data transfer–e.g. you clicking a link...