I get the following error: [DRC PORTPROP-6] I/O standard compatibility with attribute usage: Port clk300p has property DIFF_TERM_ADV set, but its I/O Standard, DIFF_SSTL15, does not support this property. Even though my constraints regarding the clk300p do not set the DIFF_TERM_ADV ...
具体的原因笔者不太清楚,但是大概是和电平标准还有BUFG相关。在我的代码中,引入了差分时钟信号clk_p、clk_n,但是需要使用单端信号,因此使用IBUFDS对信号进行了转换。代码如下: IBUFDS #(.DIFF_TERM("TRUE"), .IBUF_LOW_PWR("FALSE"), .IOSTANDARD("DIFF_HSTL_I_12")) IB_syclk ( .O (SynClktp ), .I...
In the Vivado IDE I see "DIFF_TERM_ADV" has a value of "TERM_NONE" in the "I/O Ports" tab for the clock input "sys_clk_p". However, when I run the following command in the Tcl console, I get an empty value: get_property DIFF_TERM_ADV [get_ports sys_clk_p] ...