When internal 100ohm differential termination IS desired use the following: set_property DIFF_TERM_ADV TERM_100 [get_ports LVDS_P_PORTNAME] Loading Files(0) Download No records found. 本篇文章对您是否有用? 请选择一个合适的理由 补充说明...
Furthermore, |$\mathcal{L}_{T}$| corresponds to the second term in equation 3. Given that |$x_{0}$| is one-hot encoded, the computation of |$\mathcal{L}_{0}$| can be expressed as: $$ \begin{align}& \mathcal{L}_{0}=\log p_\theta(x_{0}|x_{1})=\sum_{k} \bold...
该错误提示约束属性中约定了DIFF_TERM_ADV,但是DIFF_HSTL_I_12电平标准不支持。具体的原因笔者不太清楚,但是大概是和电平标准还有BUFG相关。在我的代码中,引入了差分时钟信号clk_p、clk_n,但是需要使用单端信号,因此使用IBUFDS对信号进行了转换。代码如下: IBUFDS #(.DIFF_TERM("TRUE"), .IBUF_LOW_PWR("FALSE"...
11111114 # Last query term was a normal field. 11121115 column = field.column 11131116 db_type = field.db_type() 1114 11151117 where.append(get_where_clause(lookup_type, current_table + '.', column, value, db_type)) 11161118 params.extend(field.get_db_prep_lookup(lookup_type, value)...
set_property DIFF_TERM_ADV TERM_NONE [get_ports LVDS_P_PORTNAME] When internal 100ohm differential termination IS desired use the following: set_property DIFF_TERM_ADV TERM_100 [get_ports LVDS_P_PORTNAME] URL Name 67219 Article Number 000024714 Publication Date 7/4/2016Virtex...
To achieve it, we add an intersection loss as a regularization term in protein docking.51 We turn to previous works on the surface of proteins and point cloud reconstruction,52,53 where the surface of a protein point cloud is firstly defined as {x∈3:S(x) = γ}, where . In this ...
TI/德州仪器 Tube ¥0.4400元100~499 个 ¥0.4090元500~999 个 ¥0.3690元>=1000 个 深圳市壹芯通电子科技有限公司 1年 -- 立即询价 查看电话 QQ联系 ADI/亚德诺 视频接口处理芯片 ADV7182WBCPZ-RL 视频 IC 10-bit SD Diff Video Decoder ADV7182WBCPZ-RL ...
To achieve it, we add an intersection loss as a regularization term in protein docking.51 We turn to previous works on the surface of proteins and point cloud reconstruction,52,53 where the surface of a protein point cloud is firstly defined as {x∈3:S(x) = γ}, where . In this ...
12566 Term of "Bathymetry" for polygon attributes is confusing and should be "Elevation (terrain & bathymetry) source" instead.Import 12670 Inactive cells (based on "Z" dataset) are not set correctly importing from CMS-Flow and are being displayed when they should not....
在一項隨機雙盲對照臨床試驗中,替諾福韋酯(TDF)或阿德福韋酯(ADV)治療HBeAg陽性患者 HBV DNA<400 拷貝/mL者分別為76%和13%,的性eALT復常率分別為68%和54%;對HBeAg陰性慢性B型肝炎48周時HBVDNA<400 拷貝/mL者分別為93%和63%;該研究顯示抑制HBV的作用優於ADV,未發現與替諾福韋酯有關的耐藥突變[99]。持續...