l13Diff.exclude- A list of files and folders which should be ignored. If the folder for a comparison or one of its parent folders contains the.vscode/settings.jsonfile and is not the current workspace folder, the file will be automatically detected and the values of the property will also ...
I installed git version 2.31.1.windows.1 and followed all the necessary steps shown in all git step by step trying to use VSCode as my main difftool, I put these lines in gitconfig files: [diff] tool = vscode [difftool "vscode"] cmd = "code --wait --diff $LOCAL $REMOTE" [diff...
I'm using the built-in diff editor to compare 2 files. I've implemented also a (missing) counterpart to "Revert Block" action. However the edits behave differently in 2 ways: a new duplicated editor is opened the diff editor is not marke...
请在此处为此功能投票:https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/idea/619706/is-there-a-way-to-compare-two-files-from-solution.html - Happypig3751在VS2017和VS2019中,即使比较文件工具栏已经打开,也不知道如何使用它...现在使用VSCode,只需打开两个文件并选择两个文件,然后右键菜单->比较所选内...
13.1.0•Public• Published11 hours ago This package does not have a README.Add a READMEto your package so that users know how to get started. Readme Keywords none npm i@codingame/monaco-vscode-diff-default-extension Repository
The object can be a blob or a submodule commit. It implies the-toption ingit-logto also find trees. --pickaxe-all When-Sor-Gfinds a change, show all the changes in that changeset, not just the files that contain the change in <string>. ...
How to add more indentation in the Visual Studio code explorer file tree structure? 560 How to remove the file preview / minimap on the right side of the editor in VS Code? 475 VSCode showing only one file in the tab bar (can't open multiple files) 238 Auto-s...
-H或–speed-large-files 比较大文件时,可加快速度。 -l<字符或字符串>或–ignore-matching-lines<字符或字符串> 若两个文件在某几行有所不同,而这几行同时都包含了选项中指定的字符或字符串,则不显示这两个文件的差异。 -i或–ignore-case 不检查大小写的不同。 -l或–paginate 将结果交由pr程序来分页...
click-to-react-component Option+Click your React components in your browser to open the source file in VS Code react vue dx vscode devtools ericclemmons• 1.1.2 • 4 months ago • 8 dependents • ISCpublished version 1.1.2, 4 months ago8 dependents licensed under $ISC 277,972 ...
Drop vscode dir from node module 5年前 .npmignore Fix reference to no-longer-existent 'rollup.config.js' file (#544) 6个月前 CONTRIBUTING.md Remove unused Gruntversiontask; flesh out docs on how to do a rele… 11个月前 Gruntfile.js ...