@@ -10164,11 +10249,13 @@ msgid "The distance between the lines of ironing" msgstr "Відстаньміж лініямирозглажування" msgid "Ironing inset" msgstr "" msgstr "Вставкапрасування" msgid "" "The distance to keep the from...
A project title could e.g. be a short name that summarizes the changes that you applied between the old and the new version of the compared binaries. Supply a title via the parameterproject_title. Adding Background Information Additional information about the compared binaries can be added to ...
Reading between Designs: Visual Imagery and the Generation of Meaning in The Avengers, The Prisoner, and Doctor Who Stylishness and the Sense of Play in Design for The Avengers AGENTS EXTRAORDINARY THE AVENGERS AND THE SIXTIES Of the three series with which our book is principally concerned, The...
Security checks are performed on the codebase and vulnerabilities are shown in the MR widget and in the Security Dashboard. We also show suggestions on how to remediate specific problems, like vulnerable libraries. This information is great, but users still need to understand if the suggestion is...
. Diff isomiRs also provides the relationship between the canonical miRNAs, isomiRs and the miRNA-target interactions. This is the first web-based large-scale repository for browsing differential isomiRs and will facilitate better understanding of the regulatory role of the isomiRs with respect to ...
150 cases were selected based on the surgical approach (DAA, DLA and PLA) in a 1:1:1 proportion between 2018 and 2019. Under 75years old suspicion or confirmation of a pathological fracture were excluded. Antibiotic-loaded cement was utilized. Cement preparation involved vacuum centrifugation and...
JumpersJ7andJP4mustbeAD2M11 1VCCO_3VCCINT arrngedsothat.1spacingP4M12 VCCO_3VCCINT existsbetweenadjacentP9M13 jumperpins.Pin1ononeHEADER2/THR111T2VCCO_3VCCINTM14 VCCO_3VCCINT jumpermustalignwithpin14K75T7VCCO_3VCCINTM15 oftheotherjumper.W4M16 VCCO_3VCCINT W6N12 VCCO_3VCCINT Y2N13 VCCO_3VC...
Interactions between saturated acyl chains confer detergent resistance on lipids and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins: GPI-anchored proteins in liposomes and cells show similar behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. December 1994, 91 ...
The AI of FA, MD, AD, and RD of optic nerve in the patients was significantly higher than that of the controls(P<0.05). The comparison results of the optic tract showed that there was no significant difference between the patient group and control group in terms of the bilateral optic ...
Introductions to key concepts in quantum programming, as well as tutorials and implementations from cutting-edge quantum computing research. - pennylane_qml/demonstrations/tutorial_implicit_diff_susceptibility.py at master · dmao1020/pennylane_qml